Engineering business administration |
Engineering business administration |
開講部 | 大学院理工学研究科 修士課程 |
開講学科 | 共通科目 |
開講学年 | 学年共通 |
開講時期 | 後期 |
単位数 | 2 |
単位区分 | 特修 |
系列区分 | 特論 |
講義区分 | 講義 |
教授 | 村上雅人 |
1. | Introduction to the course. The aim of this course will be reviewed by a course administrator. |
2. | Visits to Japanese factory 1. Observation of real technologies and discussions with engineers. Research report on the discussions. |
3. | Visits to Japanese factory 2. Observation of real technologies and discussions with engineers. |
4. | Survey reports on the visits to Japanese factory 2 and discussions with Japanese engineers. |
5. | Visits to Japanese factory 3. Observation of real technologies and discussions with engineers. |
6. | Survey reports on the visits to Japanese factory 3 and discussions with Japanese engineers. |
7. | The present status of technological management in Japanese engineering corporation 1. |
8. | The present status of technological management in Japanese engineering corporation 2. |
9. | The present status of technological management in Japanese engineering corporation 3. |
10. | The present status of technological management in Japanese engineering corporation 4. |
11. | Technology innovations in Japanese industries. |
12. | Overall discussions for the present status of technological management in Japanese factories. Research report on the innovation of Japanese industries. |
13. | Visits to Japanese factory 4. Observation of real technologies and discussions with engineers. |
14. | Survey reports on the visits to Japanese factory 2 and discussions with Japanese engineers. |
15. | Overall discussions in the course. Presentations on survey reports on the visits to Japanese factories and discussions with Japanese engineers. |