Listening Comprehension

Listening Comprehension




To reinforce listening skills, materials of a variety of content will be used for intensive training in listening. Students will also work on pronunciation and intonation.


1.Students will demonstrate ability to identify different types of listening
2.Students will demonstrate ability to use a variety of listening strategies and skills
3.Students will demonstrate ability to comprehend a variety of listening texts at a micro and macro level


1.Introduction to the course; Learning to listen
・Topic; listening skills
・Function; understanding instructions
・Listening strategy; identifying different types of listening
・Listening skill; recognising language functions
2.Unit 3; He’s the one in the blue shirt
・Topic; appearance
・Function; identifying people through physical description
・Listening strategy; asking for confirmation
・Listening skill; recognising question and statement intonation
3.Unit 4; Do you like Rock?
・Topic; Music
・Function; identifying likes and dislikes
・Listening strategy; asking for clarification
・Listening skill; recognising word stress
・Assignment 1; Due WK4
4.Unit 5; It’s a really interesting place
・Topic; Cities
・Function; understanding descriptions of places, identifying where people are from
・Listening strategy; asking for clarification and confirmation
・Listening skill; recognising the difference between /z/ and /ʃ/
5.Unit 7; Where is the furniture department?
・Topic; Shopping
・Function; identifying locations in a store; recognising ordinal numbers in rapid speech
・Listening strategy; Don’t worry about unclear sounds, asking for clarification
・Listening skill; recognising /θ/
6.Unit 8; Can you work weekends?
・Topic; Jobs
・Function; identifying abilities, identifying preferences
・Listening strategy; thinking about the situation, paying attention to stressed words
・Listening skill; recognising stressed words
7.Unit 9; Where’s the ferry terminal?
・Topic; sightseeing
・Function; identifying locations in a city, understanding directions
・Listening strategy; thinking about the situation, checking understanding
・Listening skill; recognising yes/no and wh question intonation
8.Mid-term exam
9.Unit 10; How does it work?
・Topic; technology
・Function; understanding instructions, following a sequence of events
・Listening strategy; predict what the speaker will say, checking understanding
・Listening skill; recognising intonation for certainty and uncertainty
10.Unit 12; I’ll have a soup and sandwich
・Topic; Food
・Function; understanding food and drink orders; understanding and confirming reservations
・Listening strategy; review of all practiced thus far
・Listening skill; recognising reduced forms
11.Unit 13; He shoots, he scores!
・Topic; Sports
・Function; understanding sports broadcasts
・Listening strategy; focus on key words and key facts
・Assignment 2; Due WK12
12.Unit 14; Do you want to see a movie?
・Topic; Entertainment
・Function; recognising invitations
・Listening strategy; identifying the speaker’s purpose
・Listening skill; recognising question intonation
13.Unit 16; How’s you meet your wife?
・Topic; Meeting people
・Function; identifying people through description, understanding a personal narrative
・Listening strategy; focus on key words and key facts
・Listening skill; recognising reduced forms
14.Unit 20; How do you like to learn?
・Topic; Learning styles
・Function; understanding information in a lecture
・Listening strategy; focus on key words and key facts
・Listening skill; understanding syllable stress and sentence rhythm
15.Final Exam


Participation 30%
Midterm test 30%
Assignments 10%
Final test 30%


Listen In Book 1, 2nd edition
David Nunan, Thomson Learning


Weekly preparation is required before each lesson


1.(G)技術的な討議や情報交換等のコミュニケーションが行える知識を習得する (1) 日本語による技術者としてのコミュニケーション能力 (2) 英語による基礎的なコミュニケーション能力






After class hours in the Teacher's Room
Also, contact by e-mail on mickjap@gmail.com



最終更新 : Sat May 08 08:05:02 JST 2010