English / Japanese


Architectural Design Theory and Method


Graduate School of Engineering and Science(Master's Program)


Architecture and Civil Engineering


1st grade


Spring Semester



minami kazunobuClick to show questionnaire result at 2016

Course content

 This course will offer the basic knowledge of the architectural design theory and methods mostly based on the Open Building theory developed by Prof. Nicolas John Habraken and SAR. The lectures introduce best examples of the built projects of Open Building in the developed and developing countries including the Netherland, Japan. Students will learn how to apply the theory in the design works by implementing it in the assignment project by team.

Purpose of class

The purpose of this class is to understand the basic knowledge of the Open Building and the skills to use it in practice.

Goals and objectives

1.Understand the Open Building design theory
2.Understand the method of Open Building design theory
3.Understand how to implement the Open Building theory in the project

Class schedule

1.Open Building theory
2.Open Building theory in EU countrioes
3.Open Building theory in the U.S.
4.Open Building theory in Japan 1
5.Open Building theory in Japan 2
6.Design method of Open Building theory in EU and the U.S.
7.Design method of Open Building theory in Japan 1
8.Development of design theory in Japan
9.Development of construction technology in Japan
10.Exercise 1
11.Exercise 2
12.Exercise 3
13.Exercise 4
15.Jury Evaluation

Evaluation method and criteria

The students will present their design project at the end of the semester.

Textbooks and reference materials

TBA in the first lecture


Students are recommended to read "Structure of the Ordinary", N.John Habraken, MIT Press in advance.

Office hours

Tuesday afternoon by appointment



Last modified : Sat Mar 03 04:05:57 JST 2018