Course title
MOT Basic

tanaka hideho

kunii hideko

takeuchi keizo

takeda sadao
and more...

nakamura jun

hayashi ryuichi

machida hisashi

yasuoka takashi

kato kyoko

hirata sadayo
Class name
MOT Basics
  • 技術経営
  • イノベーション
  • ビジネス
Course description
Purpose of class
Goals and objectives
  1. 自身の問題意識を明確にする。
  2. MOTの全体像および個々のトピックの位置づけを理解する。
  3. 自身が抱えている問題を解決するために、MOTにおいて特に何を学ぶべきかを明確にする。
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Big Change and Technology Management (TANAKA)
When technological evolution brings the change of market structure, technology management play critical role to lead business activity. We will discuss how to prepare for such situation depending on an analysis of patent data.
Review the class 80minutes
Prepare report 100minutes
2. People and Organisation in MOT (Kyoko Kato)
In this lecture I will talk briefly about managing people in an organization from the perspective of MOT and answering some basic questions such as "what is the issue that engineers and manufacturing firms are facing, and "why we learn management in MOT."
Homework assignment will be announced at the end of the lecture, in which you will describe a problem that you currently face in your workplace by using a framework provided in the lecture. 180minutes
3. waoirjoa oaijroa 176minutes
4. 技術経営の難しさ・面白さ(中村 潤)
技術の商用化に取り組むにあたり、value chainにおける研究開発(R&D)と販売マーケティング(S&M)の関係に着目しながら、その難しさと面白さを考えてみる。自動車や家電に照準をあてる。
講義時に配布する資料を参考に、研究開発と販売マーケティングの関係について考える。 190minutes
5. オペレーションマネジメント(平田貞代)
オペレーションマネジメントがどのように実践されているのかについて、講義時に配布する資料を復習する。 178minutes
6. Case study of the Special topic study(Takashi YASUOKA)
Condominium building reconstruction.
Consider your theme for the Special topic study in connection with your business.. 180minutes
7. “Global standardization” (Takeda)
The role of standards are increasing in the recent globalized society. In this lecture, to consider the benefit of standardization from economic theory and business perspectives, and to consider its impact on business activities by several cases.
To raise some (approx. 3) examples of standards in your business area and a field of you concern, and to consider their provision, effect, and benefit. 180minutes
8. 製造業のガバナンスを解説し、取締役会の役割を講義する(町田 尚)
新聞の経済記事を読んでくる。 190minutes
9. 1 1 180minutes
10. 1 1 190minutes
11. 1 1 181minutes
12. 1 1 182minutes
13. 1 1 210minutes
14. 1 1 186minutes
15. 1 1 186minutes
Total. - - 2769minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

1. 30% 40% 30% 100%
2. 0%
3. 0%
Total. 30% 40% 30% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Textbooks and reference materials
Course objectives
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • 講義後(土曜日10時40分〜)またはアポイントメントに応じる。
    Sadao TAKEDA Tuesday 17h30-18h30
Relation to the environment
Non-environment-related course
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
Active-learning course
About half of the classes are interactive
Last modified : Fri Sep 29 04:04:40 JST 2017