Course title
Advanced Materials Science

takasaki akito Click to show questionnaire result at 2018
Course content
This course focuses on the chemistry and physics of engineering materials (metals, alloys, and polymers) from a view point mechanical engineering. Emphases are put on atomic or molecular interpretation for physical or mechanical properties, the relationships between physical and chemical properties and performance of engineering materials. Topics to be covered include atomic structure and bonding in solid materials, crystalline structures, microstructures of the engineering materials, and an introduction to X-ray diffractometry that enables us to measure the crystalline structure (atomic arrangement) of solid materials. Over the course we will discuss how the atomic structure or its arrangement in solid materials determines the macroscopic properties of the materials such as tensile strength.
Purpose of class
To gain fundamental knowledge on materials characterization using X-ray(X-ray diffraction and chemical analyses) and related crystal structures.
Goals and objectives
  1. To understand what X-ray is and how to produce X-ray.
  2. To understand classification of crystal structures that affects physical properties of solid materials.
  3. To understand microscopic mechanism of deformation of solid materials and atomic defects.
  4. To understand fundamental analyses for determining crystal structures by means of X-ray diffraction.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Overview I
Defects in crystal structures and strength of solid materials (overview)
check the syllabus carefully 100minutes
2. Overview II
Solid state materials, crystal, quasicrystal and amorphous
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
3. Introduction to quantum mechanics
several quantum states for electrons in atoms
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
4. Continuous and characteristic X-rays and chemical analyses for solid materials Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
5. Crystal and amorphous, and unit of crystal
Bravais Lattices
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
6. Bonding in solid materials
metallic, covalent and ionic bonding
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
7. Fundamental crystallography
Plane and direction in crystal structures
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
8. Interstitial sites in crystals
Allotropy or polymorphism
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
9. Plastic deformations of polycrystals and single crystals
Slip systems
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
10. Mechanical tests for single and poly crystalline materials Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
11. Atomic defects
vacancy, dislocation and stacking fault
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
12. Physical properties of metallic materials and crystal structures
density, melting temperature and Young's modulus

Physical properties of metallic materials and crystal structures
density, melting temperature and Young's modulusHow to strengthen metallic materials
Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
13. Strengthening metallic materials Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
14. Measurements for crystalline materials by X-ray Read handouts to be distributed at the previous class. Special instruction will be also pointed out at the calss. 120minutes
Total. - - 1660minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Assignment Exercise Presentation Total.
1. 10% 10% 20%
2. 15% 10% 25%
3. 15% 10% 25%
4. 10% 20% 30%
5. 0% 0%
6. 0% 0%
Total. 40% 10% 50% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Assignments, presentations on some topics regarding materials science and exercise on X-ray diffraction will be evaluated. Students who mark more than 60% will obtain the credit.
Textbooks and reference materials
Suitable scientific or technological textbook will be used during the course. Some scientific papers will be handed out.
Sufficient cominucation skill in English is mandaory.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Thursday, 16:10-17:10
Relation to the environment
Non-environment-related course
Development of social and professional independence
    Active-learning course
    About half of the classes are interactive
    Course by professor with work experience
    Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
    N/A N/A
    Last modified : Fri Jun 28 04:02:39 JST 2019