Course title
Geotechnical Engineering

namikawa tsutomu
Course content
This course contents notations and definitions of soil properties, classification, effective stress theory, permieability, consolidation, shear strength, earth pressure and liquefaction.
Purpose of class
The purpose of this course is to learn the theory of Soil mechanics.
Goals and objectives
  1. Students understand the definitions of soil properties and classification of soil.
  2. Students understand the permeability theory in soil layers and can calculate the volume of the seepage.
  3. Students understand the theory of consolidation.
  4. Students understand the theory of shear strength.
  5. Students understand the mechanism of earth pressure.
  6. Students understand the mechanism of liquefaction.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Definitions of soil properties Review 200minutes
2. Classification of soil Review 200minutes
3. Permeability Review 200minutes
4. Seepage Review 200minutes
5. Effective stress Review 200minutes
6. Consolidaton(1) Review 200minutes
7. Consolidaton(2) Review 200minutes
8. Consolidaton(3) Review 200minutes
9. Shear strength(1) Review 200minutes
10. Shear strength(2) Review 200minutes
11. Shear strength(3) Review 200minutes
12. Earth preesure(1) Review 200minutes
13. Earth preesure(2) Review 200minutes
14. Liquefaction Review 200minutes
Total. - - 2800minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Assignment Total.
1. 20% 20%
2. 10% 10%
3. 20% 20%
4. 20% 20%
5. 20% 20%
6. 10% 10%
Total. 100% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Assignment: 100%
Textbooks and reference materials
especially none
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • any time (10:30〜17:00)
Relation to the environment
Environment-related course (10%)
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates a basic interpersonal skills
Active-learning course
More than one class is interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
Applicatable The professor uses his experience on the design of foundations at a construction company to teach the basic theory of the design of foundations.
Last modified : Thu Mar 21 15:05:54 JST 2019