Course title
Structural Chemistry

yamamoto ayako Click to show questionnaire result at 2018
Course content
In this class, a survey of synthetic techniques of high-pressure synthesis will be introduced followed by a critical discussion on the merits and demerits of each technique.
Purpose of class
Students in this class will be allowed to design and fabricate a new compound learning reaction processes and heat treatment leading to its formation.
Goals and objectives
  1. To understand the basic rules of crystal structure under high pressure
  2. To understand the variation of structural phase transformation under high pressure
  3. To obtain ability to predict a possible crystal structure under high pressure
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Outline of lecture and basic concept of packing elements Review of the lecture 100minutes
2. Standard types of crystal structure in inorganic compounds Review of the lecture 100minutes
3. General rules for structural change under high pressure Review of the lecture 100minutes
4. Crystal structure of the element Preparation of presentation of case study(1) 100minutes
5. Case study (1): Iodine, Ca Improvement of the presentation (1) 100minutes
6. Crystal structure of AX and AX2 compounds Preparation of presentation of case study(2) 100minutes
7. Case study (2): BaO, MnO, Improvement of the presentation(2) 100minutes
8. Crystal structure of ABX3 compounds Review of the lecture 100minutes
9. Review of the lecture Preparation of presentation of case study(3) 100minutes
10. Case study (3):Ilmenite-perovskite-post perovskite Improvement of the presentation(3) 100minutes
11. Series of phase transformation and coordination number Review of the lecture 100minutes
12. Structural transition of covalent compounds Preparation of presentation of case study(4) 100minutes
13. Case study (4): compounds for each student Review of this course 100minutes
14. Summary Review of this course 100minutes
Total. - - 1400minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

presentaion knowledge Total.
1. 30% 10% 40%
2. 30% 10% 40%
3. 10% 10% 20%
Total. 70% 30% -
Evaluation method and criteria
(1)Attendance 20%, (2)report 40%, (3)presentation 40%
Textbooks and reference materials
No specified textbook.No specified textbook.
It is better to be completed the course of “high-pressure science”
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Contact me with e-mail in advance.
Relation to the environment
Development of social and professional independence
    Active-learning course
    Course by professor with work experience
    Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
    N/A N/A
    Last modified : Thu Sep 26 04:04:53 JST 2019