Course title
Hydrology and Water Resources

hirabayashi yukiko
Course content
This class will provide you with basic concepts and some advanced topics of hydrology (water cycle and water resources)
Purpose of class
The goals of this course are to
- Be able to understand basic knowledge of each component in water cycle
- Be able to understand and explain how to monitor and model water cycle
- Be able to understand current water related issues
Goals and objectives
  1. At the end of the course, participants are expected to obtain some advanced topics of hydrology based on basic knowledge of water and energy cycle.
  2. They are expected to understand and explain the latest technological advancement of monitoring and modeling of hydrologic cycle.
  3. They are expected to understand and explain climate change projection and associated water related issues.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Basics of energy and water cycle
- Water balance
Study global water cycle 45minutes
2. Precipitation (1)
- Gauge network
- Under-catch bias
Study precipitation observation 45minutes
3. Precipitation (2)
- Extreme statistics
Study extreme statistics 45minutes
4. Precipitation (3)
- Radar observation
- Remote sensing of precipitation monitoring
Understand the basic of microwave remote sensing of precipitation 45minutes
5. Radiation and Water-Energy Balance
- Stephan-Boltzmann equation
- Energy balance
Study energy balance on land surface 45minutes
Review mini-exam at lecture
6. Evapotranspiration
- Boundary layer
- Bowen ratio
- Penman’s equation
Study methods to estimate evapotranspiration 45minutes
7. Runoff and River Flow (1)
- Hydrograph and hyetograph
- Effective precipitation and runoff coefficient
Study methods to estimate runoff from precipitation 45minutes
8. Runoff and River Flow (2)
- Water and forest
- Green dam
Understand the effect of forest on water cycle 45minutes
9. - River and inundation modeling
- reanalysis data
Study river and inundation modeling and reanalysis data to drive model 45minutes
10. Cryospheric hydrology
- Retreat of glaciers
- Sea level rise
Understand water cycle in cold regions 45minutes
11. Global water resources
- Virtual water
- Water bank
Understand amount of water resources in the world and its usage 45minutes
12. 12 Climate Change (1)
- Reanalysis
- Global warming
Understand tools to investigate climate change 45minutes
Prepare for a group discussion on measures against climate change 45minutes
13. Climate Change (2)
- Uncertainty
- Mitigation and adaptation
Study measures against climate change 45minutes
14. Final exam and explanation of answers Understand whole lecture contents and prepare for the final exam 45minutes
Total. - - 675minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

quiz report final exam Total.
1. 0% 10% 20% 30%
2. 5% 10% 20% 35%
3. 5% 10% 20% 35%
Total. 10% 30% 60% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Your final grade will be calculated according to the following process: quiz at lectures (10%), report (30%, occasionally given) and final exam (60%).
To pass, students must earn at least 60 points out of 100.
Textbooks and reference materials
Brutsaert, Wilfred, 2005, “Hydrology: An Introduction”, Cambridge Univ. Press
Review related lectures if you have taken before (Introduction to Environmental Science, Environment System Engineering)
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • I welcome questions after each lecture.
    Office hour: lunch time on Thursday (please be informed in advance)
Relation to the environment
Environment education course (80%)
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
Active-learning course
More than one class is interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
Last modified : Thu Mar 21 16:04:06 JST 2019