Course title
Management of Innovation

hayashi ryuichi
Course content
This course will start from providing basic understanding of innovation from view points of history of society, economics, technology and corporate management. Then participants will obtain practical knowledge of innovation to apply for business cases to develop business strategy by understanding real examples.

This course will discuss innovation with global view point.
There is the other course to learn innovation titled "Managing Innovation" is conducted in Japanese by focus on challenges and issues of Japanese companies and industries.
Purpose of class
The purpose of this lecture is to understand some key concepts of innovation management.
Goals and objectives
  1. Understand concept and history of innovation which impact to society and industries, and be able to explain creation and diffusion of innovation in the society and industries with few examples.
  2. Understand concept of open innovation and innovator`s dilemma, be able to contribute to develop corporate innovation strategy.
  3. Be able to propose important subjects to drive innovation as a Japanese company, and/or as a Japanese citizen.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. General Introduction of this course: Review purpose, design, activities and evaluation of this course. Share expectation for this course by the participants and describe individual purpose of this course. Develop own objectives to learn in the course by thinking what is innovation for company and for society. Review syllabus and understand what is expected during the course. 180minutes
2. What is Innovation?: Review concept of innovation created by Shunpeter and understand it with several examples and their historical background. Prepare own objectives as a document.
Learn about Shunpeter who proposed new concept of innovation in early 20th century.
3. What is Innovation? (Group work shop) : Collect examples of innovation and discuss common characteristics, relations of company operation, society, and technology. Obtain individual objectives to learn in this course though the group discussion. Pick up one example of innovation and collect information of its characteristics, background, implications to company, society, and technology. Prepare short presentation (10min) to report the learning. 180minutes
4. Characteristics of Innovation : Discuss phenomena of innovation by looking at characteristics of its creation and diffusion. Refer to "Diffusion of Innovation" by Everett Rogers. Learn momentum for standardization by understanding concept of dominant design and discuss life cycle of innovation. Finalize own report (presentation) based on the discussion in previous class. 120minutes
Learn how an innovation is extended to industry and society. Collect thoughts of innovation Life cycle. 60minutes
5. Characteristics of Innovation (Group work shop) : Collect and present examples of maturing products and technology, and discuss how those are standardized in market and industry. Pick up one example of diffusion of innovation with progress of product and technology. Prepare short presentation (10min) by collecting information of the background. 180minutes
6. Innovation and Industry : Innovation has been creating new industries or destroy existing industries by affecting impact to a society. Discuss implications of innovation in the history of industry. Finalize own report (presentation) based on the discussion in previous class. 120minutes
Investigate examples of innovation which has created new industry in recent history. 60minutes
7. Innovation and Industry (Group work shop) : Collect examples of new industries created by an innovation and present to the group. Learn how the innovation has impacted to new industry creation by destroying existing industry. Pick up one example of innovation which has created new industry. Prepare short presentation (10min) by collecting information of the background. 180minutes
8. Innovation and Corporate Strategy : Understand the changes of corporate direction with the background of innovation strategy from 20th century to 21st century. It is important to understand the concepts of continuous innovation and disruptive innovation, and how it affects to the corporate strategy. Through the discussion understand "Innovator's dilemma" by Christensen. Finalize own report (presentation) based on the discussion in previous class. 120minutes
Study basic concept of disruptive innovation. 60minutes
9. Innovation and Corporate Strategy (Group work shop) : Review examples of continuous innovation and disruptive innovation. After presentation by each member, discuss how a corporate develop innovation strategy for their sustainable growth. Prepare short presentation (10min) of your opinion to manage continuous innovation and disruptive innovation as a corporate strategy. Include at least one example in the presentation. 180minutes
10. Environment for Innovation : Discuss environmental aspect for innovation. Understand the background of Open Innovation proposed by Henry Chesbrough in early 21st Century. Understand important aspects to drive innovation by supporting entrepreneurs in innovation ecosystem. Finalize own report (presentation) based on the discussion in previous class. 120minutes
Read basic information of open innovation 60minutes
11. Environment for Innovation (Group work shop) : Investigate innovation policies of Japanese government and discuss challenges and cultural aspects to drive innovation in Japan. Present own opinion of necessary actions after the discussion. Prepare short presentation (10min) of Japanese innovation policy and example to create innovation ecosystem. Review the activities of the ecosystem in the presentation. 180minutes
12. Development of Innovation Leaders : Review organization and people who lead innovation in a corporation with few examples including DuPont. Discuss and understand important aspects of organization and leadership development of an innovative company. Finalize own report (presentation) based on the discussion in previous class. 120minutes
Investigate candidates of innovators to study in the following class. 60minutes
13. Development of Innovation Leaders (Group work shop) : Investigate few people who made innovation in recent history. Discuss why and how the person made the innovation by understanding personal background. Learn important aspects of people though the discussion. Prepare short presentation (10min) of an innovator who has achieved a big scale of innovation in recent history, and investigate the background why and how the innovation was achieved. Consider the personal background in the study. 180minutes
14. Challenges of Innovation : Discuss our challenges of innovation in Japan by comparing activities in US. and Europe. Finalize own report (presentation) based on the discussion in previous class. 120minutes
Start preparation for final report/presentation 60minutes
15. Challenges of Innovation (Presentation) : Present proposals in 10 min. for Japanese companies to be more innovative company by utilizing the learning of the course. Prepare for the final presentation as 10 min. 180minutes
Total. - - 2700minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Contents of preparation Contents of completed presentation Participation to the class activities Skills of presentation Total.
1. 10% 10% 10% 10% 40%
2. 10% 10% 10% 10% 40%
3. 10% 5% 5% 20%
4. 0%
Total. 30% 20% 25% 25% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Contents of preparation and finalization of home work 50%
Skills of presentation 30%
Participation to each class activities 20%

Participants will be requested to provide comments to the presenter each time. Those comments might be considered for evaluation. Will explain detail process at the first class.
Guideline of evaluation is following
・Meeting basic requirements : 60 points
・Meeting requirements with logical background. : 70 points
・Meeting requirements by utilizing knowledge obtained in the course. Presentation is clear with logical sequences. : 80 points.
Textbooks and reference materials
イノベーション論入門 土井教之 宮田由紀夫、 2015、 中央経済社
経済発展の理論 第2版1926、シュムペーター、邦訳:塩野谷祐一、中山伊知郎、東畑精一、岩波文庫
Diffusion of Innovations 5th edition, Everett M.Rogers, 邦訳:イノベーションの普及、三藤利雄訳、2007、翔泳社
The Innovator's Dilemma, C. Christensen, Harvard Business School Press 1997, 邦訳:イノベーションのジレンマ、玉田俊平太、翔泳社
Open Innovation, H. Chesborough 2003, 邦訳:オープンイノベーション 大前恵一郎訳、2004、産業能率大学出版会
Get curious about various phenomena in business and technology.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Tuesday: 17:00-18:00, Saturday: 13:00-14:00, Contact by e-mail to set meeting time.
Relation to the environment
Environment-related course ( 5%)
Regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
  • Course that cultivates a basic interpersonal skills
  • Course that cultivates a basic self-management skills
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
Applicatable The professor who conduct this course had been working to develop new products and new businesses in a global material company for many years. Currently the person is working in a Japanese electronics material company as a board member.
Last modified : Thu Mar 21 16:54:26 JST 2019