Course title
Electric Measurements

fujita goro Click to show questionnaire result at 2018
Course description
This class forcuses on electric measuemts including purpose, method, structure.
Purpose of class
The purpose of this lecture is to obtain capability to explain electric measurements
Goals and objectives
  1. Capable to explain unit and error.
  2. Capable to explain purpose of measurements.
  3. Capable to explain method of measurments.
  4. Capable to explain structure and feature of measurement instroments.
Japanese(English accepted)
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Digital Tester Check syllabus. 50minutes
2. Oscilloscope Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
3. Indicating Instrument Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
4. Voltage and current measurement Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
5. Mathematical handling Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
6. AC circuit Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
7. Measurement of force and rotation Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
8. Measurement of grounding resistance Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
9. Measurement of insulation resistance Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
10. Measurement of magnetics Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
11. Measurement of temperature Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
12. Measurement of photo Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
13. Standard and regulation Prepare to see relevant page of the textbook. 200minutes
14. Final examination and its comments. Review lectures. 200minutes
Total. - - 2650minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Reports Finae Examination Total.
1. 10% 15% 25%
2. 10% 15% 25%
3. 10% 15% 25%
4. 10% 15% 25%
Total. 40% 60% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Based on the goals and objectives, evluate with average of reports (40%) and final examination (60%). Satisfaction of 60% understadning of 'goals and objectives' is judged as pass level. Pass is given if it is greater than 60 points.
Textbooks and reference materials
G. Fujita, "Modern Electrical and Electronic Measurement: Learning from Product Cases", CORONA Publishing
Review Electric Magnetics 1 & 2, and, Electric Cuircuits 1 & 2.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Thursday 12:30-13:10 at lecture room
Relation to the environment
Non-environment-related course
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Non-social and professional independence development course
Active-learning course
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
Last modified : Thu Mar 21 14:32:14 JST 2019