Course title
Wireless Communications Network

gyoda koichi Click to show questionnaire result at 2019
Course content
In this course, the design and analysis of the wireless network for the emergency and/or disaster communication which is necessary to safe and secure life are treated.
Necessary knowledge and the skill are acquired as a network engineer by actually simulating the difference of wired and wireless MAC, the QoS control, and the various protocols of mobile ad hoc network (MANET), Zigbee, etc. by use of the network simulator Riverbed Modeler.
Purpose of class
To acquire necessary knowledge and skill as a network engineer to design and analyze various wired/wireless communication networks.
Goals and objectives
  1. The students who succeeded in this course will be able to analyze wireless network by use of the network simulator Riverbed Modeler.
  2. They also will be able to understand the difference of CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD in the MAC layer, and to design a suitable network.
  3. They also will be able to understand the characteristics of various MANET protocols, and to design a suitable wireless ad hoc network for different purposes.
  4. They also will be able to understand the characteristics of Zigbee, and to design a suitable sensor network for different purposes.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Guidance and overview of network simulation
-Installation and setup of Modeler
-Basic operation of Modeler
Confirm the syllabus 20minutes
Review the operation manual and supplement material which can be downloaded from the website. 170minutes
2. Introduction of Modeler(1)
-Performance evaluation of wired network model which is interconnecting three sites.
-Performance improving method of the given network.
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
3. Introduction of Modeler(2)
-Performance evaluation of wired network model which is more complex.
-Design of wired network model which is interconnetcting five sites.
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
4. CSMA/CA(1)
-Basic of wireless MAC protocol CSMA/CA
-Difference of the CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
5. CSMA/CA(2)
-Hidden terminal problem
-Exposed terminal problem
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
6. QoS control
-QoS in the IP network
-802.11e(HCF EDCA)
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
7. MANET(1)
-Overview of MANET
-DSR(Dynamic Source Routing)
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 190minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class)
8. MANET(2)
-Treatment of routing with the terminals' movement
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
9. MANET(3)
-OLSR(Optimized Link State Routing)
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
10. MANET(4)
-Operation when route is frequently changed in OLSR
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
11. MANET(5)
-AODV(Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector)
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
12. MANET(6)
-Operation when route is frequently changed in AODV
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
13. Sensor Network (1)
- Performance evaluation of Zigbee network
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 30minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class) 160minutes
14. Sensor Network (2)
- Performance evaluation of large scale Zigbee network
Prepare the material which can be downloaded from the website. 190minutes
Review supplement materials, and make a report based on exercises. (and submit at the beginning of next class)
Total. - - 2660minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Submitted reports Total.
1. 50% 50%
2. 10% 10%
3. 30% 30%
4. 10% 10%
Total. 100% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Evaluate all 13 task reports (100%). Over 60% in total is acceptable.
If students make adequately and submit all assignment report, they will be able to get more than 60 points.
Textbooks and reference materials
Materials are on the Web server which is specified at the time of guidance.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Before the class (8:30-9:00) and after the class (10:40-10:50).
  • E-mail can be received anytime.
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
Applicatable From 1991 to 2007, engaged R&D works in Communication Research Laboratory MPT, ATR adaptive communcation research laboratory, and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
    Last modified : Sat Mar 21 13:12:50 JST 2020