Course title
High-Pressure Science

yamamoto ayako Click to show questionnaire result at 2019
Course content
This course deals with basic concept of "Pressure", history of development in engineering and science of high pressure, methods of high-pressure generation, and types of high-pressure equipment. The course also provides recent research topics on materials and geophysics. Personal investigation on "high pressure around you", and group discussion on the issues will be set.
Purpose of class
The aim of this course is to know and understand the meaning of "Pressure" that is one of the essential parameters of material stability, and to understand its application to scientific research and engineering. Another purpose is to study the practical techniques and equipment related to high pressure. The final goal is to propose a plan or an idea to find a breakthrough of the problems with using high-pressure techniques.
Goals and objectives
  1. The students will understand a basic concept of pressure and units of pressure, and to explain these to your classmates and teacher
  2. The students will deepen their understanding through the investigation of "pressure around you", and group discussion on it
  3. The students will become familiar with the recent topics in high-pressure science, and be able to propose their own ideas related to their own ideas related to high-pressure science.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Outline of lecture and introduction of high-pressure science Review of the lesson 190minutes
2. A topic in high pressure: development of "super diamond" and discussion about it Search for super-hard materials 190minutes
3. History of development of techniques used to generate high-pressure Review of thermodynamics relative to high pressure 190minutes
4. Types and methods of pressure-generation equipment Investigate structure of perovskite 190minutes
5. Inner structure of earth and high pressure Review of inner structure of the earth 190minutes
6. Application of high pressure (1) case study and discussion Search for high-pressure technique 190minutes
7. Application of high pressure (2) presentation on the case study Preparation of presentation on application of high pressure 190minutes
8. Materials development by high-pressure synthesis Review of basics of crystal structure 190minutes
9. Experiment of pressure generation with high-pressure machine Review of pressure-generation equipment 190minutes
10. Crystal structural chemistry under high pressure Review of chemical bonding 190minutes
11. Solid state physics under high pressure Review of periodic table 190minutes
12. Research of high pressure case study and discussion Preparation of presentation on the topic of high pressure 190minutes
13. Large scale facility for high-pressure experiment Review of the lesson 190minutes
14. Summary of the course: prospects of high-pressure science Proposal for new high-pressure research 190minutes
Total. - - 2660minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Quiz Presentantion Report, homework Total.
1. 20% 10% 10% 40%
2. 10% 10% 10% 30%
3. 10% 10% 10% 30%
Total. 40% 30% 30% -
Evaluation method and criteria
(1) quiz 40%, (2) homework 30%, (3) presentation 30%
Textbooks and reference materials
No specified textbook, reference book:
(1) for beginner, "World of high pressure" by T. Yagi, Iwanami publisher, (2002/1/15) in Japanese
(2) for graduate students. "An Introduction to High-Pressure Science and Technology"by Jose Manuel Recio, Jose Manuel Menendez, CRC Press; 1st Ed. (2016/1/19), in English
No specific requirements.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Contact Professor via e-mail in advance.
    E-mail: ayako[at]
    Replace [at] for @ when you write an e-mail.
Development of social and professional independence
    Active-learning course
    Course by professor with work experience
    Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
    N/A N/A
    Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
      Last modified : Mon Mar 23 04:10:31 JST 2020