Course title
Materials and Their Interaction with Electromagnetic Waves - Theory and Measurement

rajagopalan umamaheswari Click to show questionnaire result at 2019

yamada jun
Course content
The objective of the course is to give a solid and basic understanding of the interactions of the electromagnetic (EM) waves for example microwaves, optical waves, x-rays and so on with different materials such as solids and application of such waves in measurements of different properties of the materials. The course is divided into two parts. In the first half, the focus will be on the theoretical background of what are EM waves and their description based on Maxwell's equations. At first, concepts of vectors, Fourier transforms and complex variables will be reviewed. Next, the fundamental laws related to electricity and magnetism such as Coulomb's, Faraday's and Ampere's will be revised to introduce Maxwell's equations. The students will next be introduced to Maxwell’s equations that provide the link between electrical, magnetic and optical properties of matter and how these equations can be used to study the concept of radiation transfer. Explicitly, students will learn to describe the interaction of a plane wave at the plane boundary of two optically dissimilar media and understand the different emerging properties such as reflection, refraction, absorption while from the interaction of a plane wave at a spherical boundary to understand absorption and scattering. Materials such as dielectrics, metals and their interactions with EM waves will be investigated. In the second half, application of EM waves in engineering will be focused. Technologies and method that visualize the interaction of EM waves with materials will be the focus. The cutting-edge tools available in techno plaza will be chosen and the students will be asked to make presentations on their principle and applications. Students will be encouraged to do individual presentations. Students will also be introduced to recent developments in biomedical technologies for studying living things.
Purpose of class
1. To learn about the fundamentals on the interaction of materials with electromagnetic (EM) waves
2. To learn the description of EM waves based on Maxwell's equations
3. To investigate the propagation of EM waves in for describing homogeneous materials
4. To learn the interaction EM waves with materials and thus understand fundamental phenomena of absorption
5. To learn about describing material through the concept of refractive index and its complex description
6. To learn about reflection and refraction of EM waves
7. To learn about absorption and scattering of EM waves
7. To learn about the application of different phenomena of absorption, reflection and scattering in measurement of different materials especially biological living and non-living things.
8. To get familiar with the working of optical microscopes, optical interferometres and different kinds of spectrometers, electron microscopes, x-ray diffraction and scanning probe microscopes that are used in studying and characterizing materials and some recent cutting edge visualizing technologies in biology.
Goals and objectives
  1. To understand the description of EM waves based on Maxwell's equations
  2. To understand the interaction EM waves with materials and thus understand fundamental phenomena of absorption
  3. To understand about reflection and refraction of EM waves in different materials such as dielectric, metal
  4. To understand absorption and scattering of EM waves in different materials such as dielectric, metal and dispersion
  5. To understand the application of EM waves and their characterization by different instruments
  6. To familiarize with the principles and applications of the instruments available in Technoplaza so that students can get to know how and where the EM waves are applied
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Course introduction and electromagnetic (EM) waves to understand the importance of EM waves in modern world and our everyday interaction with it :
1. Guidance of the overview of the course
2. EM waves and their applications in the investigation of living and non-living things
3. Highlight the required mathematical concepts
Read the syllabus description (preparation) 30minutes
Familiarize with the term electromagnetic waves or EM waves (preparation) 100minutes
Think about where EM waves are used and Prepare 3 examples of devices that you use everyday to be reported in class 10minutes
2. Revise of mathematical concepts and laws:

1.Vector algebra
2. Wave motion
3. Laws of electricity and magnetism
a. Coloumb's law; b. Faraday's law and Ampere's law
Revise the concept of vector algebra such as inner product, gradients, divergence 100minutes
Revise the knowledge of wave motion and its description with the handout provided 70minutes
Revise the knowledge on fundamental laws with the handout provided 100minutes
3. Introduction to Maxwell's equations:

1. Four equations and their physical meaning
2. Solve the Maxwell's equations for a plane wave at the boundary of two optically dissimilar materials of non-absorbing case
3. Calculation with Matlab software
a. Basic skills for calculation and visualization of results using Matlab software
Preparation for class and review with the handout 100minutes
Gain basic calculation and visualization skills using Matlab software 120minutes
4. Continuation of Maxwell's equations:

1.Solve the Maxwell's equations for a plane wave at the boundary of two optically dissimilar materials of absorbing case
2.Concept of energy of EM waves and its propagation and intensity
Work out basic examples provided 120minutes
Preparation for the class with the handout 100minutes
5. Fresnel relations for reflection and refraction:

1. Snell's law and its derivation based on Maxwell's laws

2. Fresnel's laws for different media boundaries

3. Total internal reflection and its implications in nano-optics

4. Thin films and the interference effects and their implications in optics
Work out the reflection and refraction of the provided examples such as dielectric and metals 100minutes
Preparation for the class with the handout 100minutes
6. Interaction of EM waves with different materials:

1. Wavelength dependence of materials or dispersion

2. Concept of oscillation and its damping and Lorentz model

3.Optical behavior of glass and non metals
Preparation for the class with the handout 120minutes
Work out the provided problems 120minutes
7. Interaction of EM waves with different materials continued:

1.Optical behavior of metals

2. Plasma

3. Dispersion in solids and gases

4. Kramers-Kronig relation in dispersion and its importance
Preparation for the class with the handout 120minutes
Work out the provided problems 120minutes
8. Midterm test to asses students' understanding; Can use book to work out the problems

Guidance to students for end of course presentations from week 10
a. list of topics
b. assessment strategy of individual and peer
c.note taking skills
Revising the content on interaction of EM waves and its interaction with different materials; Revise the laws and the relations learned. 120minutes
9. Guidance continuation

Applications of EM waves in the study of living and nonliving things : introduction to different technologies
Preparation for presentation 120minutes
10. Students' presentation and peer assessment Preparation for presentation 120minutes
Summarizing peer work 100minutes
11. Students' presentation and peer assessment Preparation for presentation 120minutes
Summarizing peer work 100minutes
12. Students' presentation and peer assessment Preparation for presentation 120minutes
Summarizing peer work 100minutes
13. Research paper reading and writing a summary:

Critical reading of research papers and getting details related to student individual master thesis project
Writing summary 120minutes
14. Final over view of the course and survey Revising summary for final submission 100minutes
Total. - - 2650minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

In class Homework assignments Midterm test Presentation Summary Total.
1. 2% 3% 3% 8%
2. 2% 3% 3% 8%
3. 2% 3% 3% 8%
4. 2% 3% 3% 8%
5. 2% 3% 3% 8%
6. 2% 3% 3% 30% 22% 60%
Total. 12% 18% 18% 30% 22% -
Evaluation method and criteria
The final score is evaluated based on in-class practice (12%), assignments (18%), midterm test (18%), presentation (30%) and summary of research paper (22%). Credit will be given only when the score is equal or above 60% out of 100% in total.
Textbooks and reference materials
1. "Thermal Radiative transfer and properties", Brewster.Q.M, Wiley New York, Chapters 4 & 5.
2. " Absorption and Scattering of light by small particles", by Bohren,C.F and Huffman, D.R , Wiley New York (1983).
3. "Foundations of Electromagnetic theory", Reitz, J.R, Milford, F.J, Christy, R.W, Addison -Wesley, Massachusetts (1992)
Prerequisite knowledge
Basic knowledge of mathematics (linear algebra, calculus, partial differential equations
Students are required to read the handout delivered at the class before coming out the class. Handout content will be provided online via scomb. Submission of assignments will be done through online system.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions

  • Please make an appointment through mail
    email ID:
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
  • Non-social and professional independence development course
  • Course that cultivates a basic self-management skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicatable
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Sat Mar 21 13:47:00 JST 2020