Course title
Seminar on Mechanical Engineering 2

saeki masato

ishii yasuyuki

uchimura yutaka Click to show questionnaire result at 2018

utsunomiya takao
and more...

sakaue kenichi

suwa yoshihide Click to show questionnaire result at 2019

tsunoda kazumi Click to show questionnaire result at 2016

futai nobuyuki

matsuo shigeki

yahagi yuji

yamada jun

shirai katsuaki

tange manabu

kono takahiro
Course description
In this course, students in small group will learn technical writing methods and oral presentation skills in the context of a real engineering problem under the supervisor. This course also enhances the development of essential skills for oral and written communications and teamwork.
Purpose of class
To develop the ability of technical writing methods, oral presentation skills and teamwork.
Goals and objectives
  1. Students will be able to consider research results on the theme and make a presentation about them theoretically.
  2. Students will be able to investigate information about the theme actively and improve your own skills.
  3. Students will be able to collect information and/or reference from various databases and use them effectively.
  4. Students will be able to complete the project according to schedule.
  5. Students will be able to select relevant methods to solve engineering problems and carry out them.
Japanese(English accepted)
Class schedule
Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
Jun Yamada
 Practice of Numerical Analysis for Transport Phenomena
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Kazumi Tsunoda
 Colloquium on thermofluid engineering
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Masato Saeki
Numerical simulations in mechanical vibration systems
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Yuji Yahagi
 Combustion Physics
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Yutaka Uchimura
Basis of digital control and design of control system
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Yoshihide Suwa
 Fundamentals of application of fluid dynamics
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Shigeki Matsuo
Fundamentals of optics, laser, microscopy, and laser micromachining
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Takao Utsunomiya
 Fundamentals and applications on strength design of structures
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Kenichi Sakaue
 Basics of experimental solid mechanics
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Nobuyuki Futai
1) 3D CAD/CAM and 3D printing lab
2) Softithographic prototyping lab
3) Journal club and technical presentation
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Manabu Tange
How to write technical documents

You will learn how to make technical documents
Structure of scientific articles, data processing, data visualization.
You will also learn specific knowledge on research project of your thesis.
Week 1: Guidance and Literature survey
Week 2: Structure of academic articles
Week 3: Words, sentences, paragraphs, and sections
Week 4: Revising and proofreading
Week 5: Introduction and methods
Week 6: Results and discussion
Week 7: Title and abstract
Week 8: Citation, figures, equations
Week 9: Fundamental of data processing
Week 10: Exercises of data processing
Week 11: Data visualization
Week 12: Presentation: Slides
Week 13: Presentation: Talk
Week 14: Presentation and summary
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
Katsuaki Shirai

Fundamentals of Turbulent Flow

In contrast to laminar fluid flows treated in theories of fluid mechanics, almost all of real fluid flows are turbulent. Thus, fudamental knowledge of turbulence is required in order to use turbulent flows in engineering applications. In the present course, the students learn basic theories and applications of turbulence based on an introductory textbook. The students are expected to participate actively in the classes through discussions and presentations. The learning process is based on the consideration of solution to certain problems in turbulent flows. The students will learn the solving processes by making presentations, developing discussions and submitting reports.

1. Introduction - deterministic aspect of turbulent flows
2. Basic equations - conservation laws and Boussinesq approximation
3. Instability and transision to turbulence - instability theory
4. Features of turbulent flows and analysis of turbulence
5. Statistical treatment of turbulence - Reynolds decomposition
6. Wall turbulence - turbulent flows near solid boundaries
7. Free turbulence - turbulent flows without solid boundaries
8. Turbulent kinetic energy - transport equations
9. Redistribution of turbulent energy
10. Vortex and vorticity equations
11. Turbulence model
12. Correlation and Taylor hypothesis
13. Energy spectrum
14. Turbulent diffusion

"Turbulence", F.T.M. Nieuwstadt, B.J. Boersma, J. Westerweel, Springer, (2016) and some others

Review previous courses including Hydrodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer Engineering
preparation and report on subjects given in the seminar meeting. 1250minutes
- - 15000minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Presentation Reports Research results Experiments and results Total.
1. 15% 15%
2. 5% 5% 10% 20%
3. 10% 5% 5% 20%
4. 10% 10% 5% 5% 30%
5. 5% 10% 15%
Total. 25% 25% 20% 30% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Your final grade will be calculated according to the following process:
- Defining the problem: 20 points
- Devising strategies: 30 points
- Solving the problem: 20 points
- Communication: 10 points
- Planning and execution: 20 points
An aggregate score of at least 60 points is required to pass the course.
Grading will be decided based on presentation and assessment of performance in the lab.
Textbooks and reference materials
Will be introduced by supervisor.
Will be introduced by supervisor.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Details can be found in the booklet "faculty profiles"(「教員プロフィール」).
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Applicable Supervisers who have practical experiences will show how to solve problems based on their practical experiences.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Tue Jun 15 04:30:57 JST 2021