Course title
Autonomous Mobile Robot System

ANDOU Yoshinobu Click to show questionnaire result at 2019
Course content
The technology of an autonomous mobile robot contributes several technology, for example the automatic conveyance technology and safety technology of a car. We survey the technology of an autonomous mobile robot from various view points.
Purpose of class
You can explain about the system of autonomous mobile robot.
Goals and objectives
  1. You can explain about sensing and image processing of an autonomous mobile robot.
  2. You can explain about characteristics recognition method of an autonomous mobile robot.
  3. You can explain about Micro-computer system of an autonomous mobile robot.
  4. You can explain about obstacle avoidance and navigation of an autonomous mobile robot.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Robotics sensor (1)
potentiometer, encoder, ultrasonic waves
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about potentiometer. 180minutes
2. Robotics sensor (2)
acceleration sensor, gyro
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about acceleration sensor and gyro. 180minutes
3. Image processing (1) Image input method, binarization, affine transform
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about Image input method 180minutes
4. Image processing (2) Binarization threshold determination method, histogram
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about threshold and histogram of Image processing 180minutes
5. Image processing (3)
moving average, median filter, labeling
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about median filter and labeling of Image processing 180minutes
6. Characteristics recognition method (1)
feature parameter, feature space
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about parameter and feature space of recognition method 180minutes
7. Characteristics recognition method (2) discriminant analysis, clustering
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about clustering of recognition method 180minutes
8. Characteristics recognition method (3) interclass distance, Mahalanobis' generalized distance
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about Mahalanobis distance of recognition method 180minutes
9. Micro-computer system of the robot (1)
Digital I/O,
motor driving, PWM
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about Digital I/O and PWM. 180minutes
10. Micro-computer system of the robot (2)
Analog I/O, Serial communication,
motor driving
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about analog I/O and serial communication. 180minutes
Writing a report 60minutes
11. Obstacle avoidance and Navigation system of an autonomous mobile robot
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about navigation system of several robots 180minutes
Writing a report 60minutes
12. Localization (Position estimation) of an autonomous mobile robot
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about localization system of several robots 180minutes
Writing a report 60minutes
13. Robotics system
Behavior of a robot
(for example, following)
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about following system of a robot. 180minutes
14. Control system of an autonomous mobile robot
(for example, Dynamics and kinematics)
(Short report)
Pre-reading and reviewing referential books and web sites about control system of several robots 180minutes
Total. - - 2700minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Report Total.
1. 25% 25%
2. 25% 25%
3. 25% 25%
4. 25% 25%
Total. 100% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Students will be evaluated based on Reports. Reports will be evaluated based on: (a) whether they have been compiled so that they are easy to understand 25%,(b) accuracy of figures and charts 25%,(c) whether topics have been explained accurately 25%,(d) how the reports are summarized 25%. A comprehensive score of 60% of higher is required to pass.
(It is less than 60 percent point that you cannot explain themes of the report.)
(It is equal 60 percent point that you can explain themes of the report barely.)
(It is more than 80 percent point that you can explain some examples and systems of the theme of the repot excellently with some figures or tables. )
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in the class
Textbooks and reference materials
1. “NAVIGATING MOBILE ROBOTS system and Techniques”, Johann Borenstein, et al., A K Peters, Ltd.
Please read and study about reference materials (Web, Journal, and so on).
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • If you would like to ask something, you can ask me after class. Sending email to me for question is OK. (
  • Office hour (Ando): Wednesday lunchtime (Please be sure to make an appointment with me in advance.)
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Non-social and professional independence development course
Active-learning course
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Sat Sep 09 07:23:49 JST 2023