Course title
Practice on Contents Design

YANG WONSEOK Click to show questionnaire result at 2018


URIU Daisuke
Course description
Students will work on exercises utilizing the content of specialized courses they have taken up to this point. In the development of ideas for problem-solving and the creation of designs, originality is emphasized as well as the development of engineering thinking, and the process of creating the ideas is documented. In this class, students learn how to effectively express what they want to convey and what they need to convey from a variety of information by actually creating contents. In addition, students manage the schedule and process of content development, embody design proposals, and make presentations on the appropriate method of expression for their proposals and the use of services. The proposal will be revised to reflect the evaluation in the presentation. By reflecting on each step, strengths and weaknesses can be recognized.
Purpose of class
Acquire the ability to identify basic issues in content design production. Acquire basic content design focus and action skills, and the ability to implement problem-solving methods and processes.
Goals and objectives
  1. Develop the ability to discover ideas for content design.
  2. Learn how to create web, apps, and product UI.
  3. Develop problem-solving idea generation and design production skills.
  4. To be able to independently produce and utilize them.
  5. Presentation skills.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. ・Explanation of how to proceed with the exercises (what to submit for each step, what you can expect to achieve)
・Group formation
Task 1: Improvement of part-time job search service through observation of user behavior
・Explanation of the assignment and brainstorming for problem identification
・Explanation of how to record thoughts and speech, persona/scenario (9-frame scenario method), and CJM creation (originality is important)
Research on problem finding, research and analysis methods 200minutes
2. Review meeting of research content (individual presentation within the group)
・Discussion of the photo essay using the Thinking and Talking method
・Problem finding and idea development
・Persona/scenario (9-frame scenario method)
・Creation of CJM (Customer Journey Map)
Behavior Survey and Thought Speech Recording and Photo Essay Preparation 200minutes
3. Interim check (group presentation) Confirm theme interpretation, focus, and concept
・Detailing (IA creation, layout and design study)
・Design prototyping (detailed design study, prototype, GUI)
Preparation for presentation within the group 200minutes
4. Critique Session (Plenary and Individual Presentations) A3X4 pages Preparation of Presentation Slides 200minutes
5. Assignment 2: Proposing New Value through Behavior Change
Content: New value can be created by changing people's behavior and daily habits through "behavior change.
・Brainstorming for interpreting issues and discovering problems
・Each group examined the theme and prepared for the survey.
・Brainstorming and KJ method for organizing information and ideas
Research on the characteristics of people's behavior and daily habits 200minutes
6. Fill Dwarf Survey
・Online & Offline (Survey Reporting)
・Record user usage behavior of existing products using the think-aloud method.
market research 200minutes
7. Review Meeting of Survey Contents
・Photo essay review
・Problem finding idea development
・Persona/scenario (9-frame scenario method) study
Prepare 4 draft concept sheets or explanatory materials (photo essay or other target user observation) & present to the group 200minutes
8. Concept review meeting (individual presentations within the group): 10 rough drafts
Explanation of each person's interpretation of the theme, focus, and concept (5W2H: Who, When, Where, What, How, Why, How much)
Submit 10 rough sketches (one idea on an A4 paper) for each idea 200minutes
9. Concretization & development of idea conception Submission of PPT for each concept presentation material 200minutes
10. Interim presentation (whole and individual) PPT* Explanation of interpretation, focus, and concept of each theme Each participant will submit 4 sketches and PPT of presentation materials: Each participant will submit 1 best idea ((1) Entire Perspective, (2) Photo Essay, (3) Scenario) and PPT of presentation materials. 200minutes
11. Specifics/Detailing (IA creation, layout and design study) Creation of storyboard for model creation, CJM (Customer Journey Map) & submission of design proposal 200minutes
12. Design prototype work
(detailed design study, prototype, GUI, logo)
Submission of design models under production 200minutes
13. Confirmation and work towards final presentation
Design presentations (group and individual presentations)
Design Model Submission (Working Model) Presentation Materials (Model & A3x4) 200minutes
14. Critique session (plenary and individual presentations) A3X4 sheets, working model Preparation for self-presentation 200minutes
Total. - - 2800minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

毎週課題 最終成果物 プレゼンテーション Total.
1. 20% 5% 5% 30%
2. 15% 10% 10% 35%
3. 15% 10% 10% 35%
Total. 50% 25% 25% -
Evaluation method and criteria
50% evaluation of each step-by-step study (submissions). 50% evaluation of the final deliverables, with a total score of 60 points or higher being considered passing.
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in the class
Textbooks and reference materials
A list of references will be distributed at the orientation. Other teaching materials, art materials, and PC software will be introduced as needed.
Students must take a content design class.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Office hours, questions and consultation
    30 minutes after class in the classroom
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
  • Non-social and professional independence development course
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Sat Sep 09 06:00:50 JST 2023