Course title
Materials Science

SAKAI Naomichi
Course description
This course provides an overview of the broad discipline of materials science and provides students who do not specialize in materials with an overview of materials and how materials used in the real world are designed and fabricated. Materials science is a field of study that looks at a material's atomic and molecular structure, its microscopic and macroscopic properties, and how different processes affect materials structure and properties. This course introduces fundamentals of fabrication method and processing method (mechanical and thermal) of materials and their effects on structures and their properties. In the first part, classification of materials and their characteristics based on the basic chemistry will be given, and also their fabrication methods, mechanical processing and heat treatment procedures will be introduced. Then, in the second part, students can learn about the effects of the fabrication, mechanical processing and thermal processing on their crystal structure, microstructure, and properties like mechanical strength, from the viewpoints of thermodynamics.
Purpose of class
This course provides an overview of the broad discipline of materials science and provides students who do not specialize in materials with an overview of materials and how materials used in the real world are designed and fabricated. The purpose of this course is to learn the types and characteristics of typical materials, and to learn about the structure, texture, stability, strength, and physical properties of materials that change with manufacturing and processing methods.
Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives Course Outcomes
1. The students will be able to explain the types and characteristics of materials using the basics of chemistry.
2. The students will be able to explain the effects of material manufacturing, processing, heat treatment, etc. on the structure, texture, stability, strength, etc. of the material.
3. The students will be able to explain the relationship between material properties and manufacturing methods.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Guidance
Overview of materials science
Read the syllabus and understand the overall picture of this course. 50分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
2. Basic Chemistry; electron configuration, chemical bonds, orbital, coordination of elements, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
3. Crystal structures of materials, lattices, closed packing, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 100分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture 100分
4. Ionic radius ratio, structural stability of ionic crystals, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
5. Symmetry, crystals and quasicrystals, miscellaneous knowledge, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
6. Mechanical destruction、 ceramics, metals, plastics, industrial metals, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
7. Mechanical properties, strength, defects, strengthening methods, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
8. Mid-term exam (or report and presentation)
Failure (fracture), processing of metals and ceramics, etc
Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 150分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
9. Stability and structural change with temperature, phase diagrams Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
10. Processing and thermodynamics of material, diffusion, crystal growth, minerals, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
11. Material properties and manufacturing methods of various materials; electric properties, piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials, semiconductors, thin film processing, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
12. Material properties and manufacturing methods of various materials; magnetic properties, superconductors Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 80分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
13. Material properties and manufacturing methods of various materials, characterization methods, etc Preparation for small exam (or presentation) 90分
Read the distributed materials and understand the contents of the lecture. 100分
14. Final exam (or report and presentation)
Summary and discussion
Preparation for final exam (or report and presentation) 270分
Total. - - 2680分
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Mid-term exam or presentation, etc. Final exam or report/presentation etc. Total.
1. 25% 10% 35%
2. 25% 20% 45%
3. 0% 20% 20%
Total. 50% 50% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Mid-term exam (or presentation) and small exercises in each class etc. will contribute 60% of your grade.
Final exam (or report / presentation), etc. will contribute 40% of your grade.
Students need at least 60% of the full score to pass this course.
If you attend all classes, make your presentations and reports on time, you can get at least 60 %.
Whether examinations will be given or whether reports and presentations will be given instead of examinations will be decided after the students' situation is assessed in the first class.
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in the class Feedback will be given in class.
Textbooks and reference materials
Textbooks are not specified, but reference books will be introduced in lectures.
Also distribute hard copies of materials used for lectures.
Not specified
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Please consult with the professor between 9: 00-17: 00.
  • Please take an appoiment by e-mail in advance.
    Contact e-mail addresse to Naomichi Sakai :
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
Active-learning course
About half of the classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Applicable The professor has 30 years of research experience at chemical company and research institute. Students will be able to learn the relationship between materials science and materials used in our life.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Sat Sep 09 05:25:39 JST 2023