Course title
Web design and programming

Course description
In this course, students will gain an introduction to the basic concepts of the World Wide Web and the principles and tools used to develop web applications. Students will learn about the key protocols and technologies that underpin the internet, as well as the essential principles of functional web design, including information architecture and user experience.

The course will cover the following topics: Introduction to the World Wide Web, Overview of internet technology and protocols ,Functional web design principles
Creating well-designed and responsive web pages, Client-side programming for interactive web pages, Server-side scripting languages for generating dynamic web content, and so on.

Through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and projects, students will develop practical skills in web development and gain a deep understanding of how to create effective and engaging web applications. By the end of the course, students will have the knowledge and tools necessary to design and develop their own responsive and interactive web pages.
Purpose of class
This course aims to provide fundamental web design and programming technologies to create a website via the use of HTML, CSS, and PHP programming language.
Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives Course Outcomes
1. The students are able to learn the nature of the Web
2. The students are able to understand the structure of the Web and Client/Server side programming
3. The students are able to apply fundamental knowledge and are able to fully capable of implementing his/her web from scratch
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. - Guidance
- Web application technologies and architecture
- Introduction to the WWW and the internet
- Static and dynamic website
- Tools for web development
Preparation and review 100分
Homework 100分
2. HTML and CSS Fundamentals
- HTML structure and tags
Preparation and review 100分
3. HTML and CSS Fundamentals
- CSS syntax, rule and properties
- Applying CSS
Preparation and review 100分
Homework 100分
4. JavaScript Preparation and review 100分
Homework 100分
5. Midterm project presentation (HTML, CSS) Preparation and review 100分
Homework 100分
6. PHP fundamentals and server-side scripting Preparation and review 100分
Homework 100分
7. PHP fundamentals Preparation and review 100分
Homework 200分
8. MySQL fundamentals Preparation and review 100分
Individual work presentation & preparation 200分
9. advance MySQL Preparation and review 100分
Homework 100分
10. Assessing MySQL using PHP
- Form handling
Preparation and review 100分
Groupwork (Final project) PBL 1 - discussion with the group and work on the project outside class time 200分
11. Cookies, sessions, and authentication
Security Considerations for Web Applications
Final project planning and management (Group project)
Preparation and review 100分
Groupwork (Final project) PBL 2 - discussion with the group and work on the project outside class time 200分
12. Javascript and PHP validation and error handling
Final project proposal (Group project)
Preparation and review 100分
Groupwork (Final project) PBL 3 - discussion with the group and work on the project outside class time 200分
13. Final Project Development (Group project) Preparation and review 100分
Groupwork (Final project) PBL 4 - discussion with the group and work on the project outside class time 200分
14. Final Project Presentation (Group project) Groupwork & presentation preparation (before the final presentation) 175分
Total. - - 3275分
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

In class activity Assignment Midterm project Final project Total.
1. 5% 10% 5% 20%
2. 5% 5% 5% 15% 30%
3. 10% 15% 25% 50%
4. 0%
Total. 10% 25% 25% 40% -
Evaluation method and criteria
In class activity (10%), Assignment (25%), Midterm project (25%), and Final Project (40%) are the criteria of the grade.
More than 60% of the total score is needed for getting the course credit.

Students are marked absent from the class if they are late regardless of the delay time.
If students are absent from more than one-third of the total number of classes, the credit of this course cannot be given to them.
Even though students are absent from the class whatever the reason, e.g. sickness, delay of public transportation systems, forgetting to bring the student ID card, it is counted as an absence unless prior consultant with the professor.
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in outside of the class (ScombZ, mail, etc.) The lecturer will give feedback both in class and through online communication such as email
Textbooks and reference materials
Learning Web Design - 5th edition, Jennifer Nirderst Robbins, 2018
Web Programming Step by Step, Marty Stepp, Jessica Miller, and Victoria Kirst, 2013
These classes are recommended but not mandatory
Introduction to Computer Programming, Introduction to Computer Networks
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Office hours: Wed 1PM-4PM, Friday 2PM-4PM
    Prior Appointment by email only (
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
  • Course that cultivates a basic interpersonal skills
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
    Last modified : Thu Mar 14 04:06:49 JST 2024