Course title
Career Design: Developing yourself for your future career

Course description
This course is limited to only 3rd year students enrolled in the IGP.
This course is conducted completely in English.

This is a course in personal career design development.
We will start from professional assessment of each student's character, then discuss skills, work styles and environments, and clarify career goals.
From this individual foundation, we will move to learning strategies for developing skills, resilience, leadership and adaptability to collaborate in international teams.
Practical hints for job-hunting such as how to participate in an informative interview, job fair, group and individual interviews will also be discussed.

This course does not provide a “manual” of techniques for job-hunting, etc. but strategies for how to consider and continue personal professional development and lifelong learning. We hope this course will help equip students for not only achieving their immediate research and work goals, but also for their long-range career success.
Purpose of class
This course is designed to assist you in preparing for your career after university so you can begin to:
- understand your individual default character tendencies (strengths, weaknesses, & how you may be viewed by colleagues), style of communication, and developing your best working habits, and how they relate to your productivity and teamwork;
- develop your transferable skills;
- explore communication strategies and ways to adapt to and grow in various working environments for international teamwork;
- analyze styles of leadership and stimulate your sense of responsibility as a leader;
- discover & clarify your future vision, define your next steps after university, and design your own flexible yet definite career paths;
- gain practical insights on how to prepare for and participate in job fairs and interviews.
Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives Course Outcomes
1. You will be able to understand your core character, communication and working style through professional assessment and individual inventory of strengths & weaknesses, satisfaction and accomplishment.
2. You will be able to define and identify important transferable skills, and how to leverage your strengths to improve your weaknesses.
3. You will be able to develop strategies for communication and working with a variety of types of personalities, cultures, and working situations, for successful international teamwork.
4. You will be able to understand types and levels of leadership, and begin to practice self-management for on-going personal and professional growth which include creating strategies for overcoming failure, developing resilience, and learning how to become a better leader.
5. You will be able to prepare for successful interviews, job hunting, and career moves.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Intro. to the Course
Key factors in careers
Individual character, transferable skills, learning styles, habits & discipline, communication, workplace expectations, teamwork, types of colleagues & work environments, opportunities for growth
Assessment exercises 90分
2. Self-assessment pt. 1
Working with types of people, teammates

Homework: Stories of satisfaction, accomplishment, gaining skills
Writing stories of accomplishment 90分
Homework readings 90分
3. Self-assessment pt. 2
Stories of satisfaction, accomplishment, gaining skills
Introduction to Big-5 character theories
Types or tendencies
Homework: Myers-Briggs "types" & traditional assessment
Transferable skills exercises 120分
Facet5 survey 60分
4. Self-assessment pt. 3
Facet5 "spectrum" of default behavior and character assessment, pt. 1
Knowing one's own default mode, tendencies, strengths & weaknesses
Facet5 Assessment Exercises 120分
Presentation prep 120分
5. Self-assessment pt. 4
Facet5, pt. 2
Teamwork & environments
How others may see you, overcoming being misunderstood by others
Assessment feedback review 60分
Reading 60分
Presentation prep 120分
6. Facet5, pt. 3
Facing difficulties: negative feedback, reactions, triggers, failures.

Spotlight on what you can control: your words & actions.
Self-discipline, responsibility, "ownership"
Reading 60分
Presentation prep 120分
Exercises on changing words & actions 60分
7. Facet5, pt. 4
Presenting yourself

Hints for Informal & Informational Interviews, Job fairs
Presentation prep 120分
Readings 30分
8. Student Presentations based on Facet5 assessments and written responses Leadership exercises & readings 90分
Workplace environment exercises 90分
9. Ideal work environments
Developing transferable skills
Changes in work situations, jobs, careers

Practical Workplace Communication: Reporting, Meetings
1st Level of Leadership: Position
Leadership reading & exercises 120分
Career search prep 120分
10. Leadership as Conversation
Practical Workplace Communication: Strategies for building trust
2nd Level of Leadership: Relationship
Reading & exercises 60分
Career search prep 120分
11. Building resilience
Practical Workplace Communication: Collaboration
3rd Level of Leadership: Comrades in Production

Job-hunting resilience, maintaining confidence
Reading & exercises 120分
Career search prep 60分
Interview prep 60分
12. Training new members
Practical Business Communication: Mentoring
4th Level of Leadership: Raising New Leaders
Reading & exercises 100分
Interview prep 120分
13. Practical Business Communication: Dealing with problems
Top Level Leadership

Practical Business Communication: Interviewing
Presenting your skills
Ready for Opportunity
Interview prep 120分
Summary prep 120分
14. Practical Business Communication: Interviewing
Individual Interviews
Feedback & discussion
Feedback response 30分
15. 0分
Total. - - 2650分
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Weekly written exercises & discussion of exercises Presentations Facet5 Assessment Exercise Interview Prep Final Summary Total.
1. 5% 10% 10% 0% 5% 30%
2. 5% 10% 0% 5% 20%
3. 5% 0% 10% 0% 5% 20%
4. 5% 0% 0% 5% 10%
5. 5% 0% 10% 5% 20%
Total. 25% 20% 20% 10% 25% -
Evaluation method and criteria
25% Weekly exercises (& in-class discussion of exercises)
20% Presentations: 10% each: on Transferable skills, on Character & Self-management
20% Exercises, written report, on individual character through Facet5 assessment
10% Interview preparation & practice
25% Final Summary Essay
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
The Others In-class, by e-mail, after class during office hours
Textbooks and reference materials
Facet5 Online Core Personality & Workplace Communication Assessment
Whitcomb, C. & L. Whitcomb (2013) Effective Interpersonal and Team Communication Skills for Engineers (IEEE/ Wiley);
Maxwell, J. (2011) How Successful People Think Workbook, Center Street;
What Color is Your Parachute 2022 Edition: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-changers. (2022) Bolles, N. Ten Speed Press;
Shell, E.R. (2018) The Job: Work & its future in a time of radical change, Currency Books;
Sinek, S. (2014) Leaders Eat Last, Portfolio.
Various articles and online resources
Limited to IGP students in third year and above
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Friday 15:00~17:00, by appointment, and others to be announced
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates a basic self-management skills
  • Course that cultivates a basic interpersonal skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Applicable Professor is a licensed practitioner of Facet5 character assessment, and a career & leadership development coach with over 10 years experience in business.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Sat Sep 09 07:37:19 JST 2023