Course title
Urban and Regional Studies

SUZUKI Shunji Click to show questionnaire result at 2019
Course description
This course will provide the basic knowledge of urban and regional planning in Japan and some foreign countries. History and development process of Tokyo Metropolitan Region will be taught and discussed. Students will work on research project of one region/district, of urban and regional planning and do presentations in the class.
Purpose of class
The course is designed so that the students will acquire basic knowledge of urban and regional planning, and understand the current problems and future tasks. Students will also acquire the skills to conduct a research and presentation in the topic, in English.
Goals and objectives
  1. Students understand and can explain the basic concept and methodologies of urban planning in Japan.
  2. Students understand and can explain the basic difference of planning concept by countries.
  3. Students will acquire the basic skills to do a research and can do presentation in English.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Introduction Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 50minutes
2. Basic condition and scheme of urban and regional planning in Japan Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
3. History of urban and regional planning and development in Tokyo 1 Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
4. History of urban and regional planning and development in Tokyo 2 Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
5. History of urban and regional planning and development in Tokyo 3 Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
6. Governmental management systems, of local and regional. Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
7. Students’ mid-term presentation and discussion Preparation for the presentation. 600minutes
8. Role of non-governmental sectors in community planning/activities. Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
9. Process of making a district plan with citizen participation. Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
10. Regional planning and citizen participation process Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
11. Impact of Urban Planning to the Environment Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
12. Sense of place/Urban form, density and public life. Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
13. Urban and regional planning scheme in foreign countries. Download and study the material from the class page in scomb. 100minutes
14. Students’ final presentation Preparation for the presentation. 900minutes
Total. - - 2650minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Mid Term Presentation Final Presentation Quiz Total.
1. 8% 15% 7% 30%
2. 8% 15% 7% 30%
3. 14% 20% 6% 40%
Total. 30% 50% 20% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Final grades are computed as follows:
1. Midterm presentation: 30%
2. Final presentation and report: 50%
3. In-class participation and discussion: 20%
Total: 100%

Feedback of assginments will be done in classes.
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in the class
Textbooks and reference materials
No special textbook will be used. The list of reference books will be announced in the first class.
Other references will be provided or announced through the course.
Students must have a TOEIC score of 550 or above, or equivalent ability in English. Maximum enrollment is thirty. Priority will be given to the students in the International Program and those have higher scores. Short term international students who have equivalent skill of English can take this class by the approval of instructor.
Students who have willingness to learn urban and regional issues of domestic and international, and to express oneself in English are mostly welcome.

TOEIC 550点以上または同等レベルの英語力がある学生のみ履修可能。国際プログラムの学生は優先的に履修できる。履修定員は30名とし、それを超える希望者があった場合はTOEICスコアが高い学生が優先される。特別留学生で同等の英語力がある学生は、担当教員の承認により履修できる。国内外の都市地域問題を学ぶことに意欲があり、英語で自己表現をしたい学生の履修を歓迎する。
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Mondays 12:40-13:20 in the regular class week, by appointment preferred.
    Questions by email are welcome at any time.
    E-mail (Prof. Shunji SUZUKI):
Regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
Active-learning course
About half of the classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Applicable The instructor has long years of experience as professional urban designer/planner, in Japan and overseas.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Sat Sep 09 06:00:09 JST 2023