Course title
Environmentally Sustainable Analysis

IWATA Tomoko Click to show questionnaire result at 2018
Course description
This course aims to be learned about Life-Cycle-Assessment(LCA) which is a method for quantifying environmental impact of objects and systems. Students can learn selected fundamental knowledge of LCA and the application skills to actual environmental problems.

Maximum enrollment is about 30 students. If the enrollment entry exceeds thirty, 3rd year students and those who have higher score of TOEIC (over 600 points) will be accepted. Priority will be given to the students in the International Program. Short term international students who have equivalent skill of English can take this class by the approval of instructor.
In addition, even students who have been excluded from selection in the first class may be allowed to take courses specially for students who have a clear sense of purpose, so we will consult individually.

In addition to the individual report submission of numerical analysis, the class requires an interest in the field and a positive attitude of thinking and speaking in English in order to impose group work and a presentation.
Purpose of class
To learn fundamental knowledge of LCA and the application skills to actual environmental problems relating to cross-sectoral issues.
Goals and objectives
  1. Students can learn fundamental knowledge of LCA methodology
  2. Students can learn essential skills to analyze environmental problems based on statistical methodology
  3. Students can learn essential skills to analyze environmental problems based on psychological approach
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Introduction
- What is Life Cycle Assessment(LCA)?
Reading the assigned materials 100minutes
2. Goal & Scope definition
- Basic concept
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
3. Life-Cycle-Inventory Analysis 1
- Case study: Inventory of Curry Rice
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
4. Life-Cycle-Inventory Analysis 2
- Allocation method
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
5. Life-Cycle-Inventory Analysis 3
- Practice of Inventory data collection 1
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
6. Life-Cycle-Inventory Analysis 4
- Practice of Inventory data collection 2
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 250minutes
7. Life-Cycle-Inventory Analysis 3
- LCI Practice & research target setting
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
8. Midterm presentation
- Goal definition, boundary setting, process tree and IO database setting on research target.
- Sharing of difficulties on those setting.
Submission of presentation material 200minutes
9. Life-Cycle-Impact assessment (LCIA) 1
- Basic concept
- Database for LCI & LCIA
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
10. Psychological Approach on LCIA 1:
Conjoint Analysis
- Exercise 1: Milk selection
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
11. Psychological Approach on LCIA 2:
Conjoint Analysis
- Exercise 2: Tomato selection
Reading the assigned materials and submission of worksheet 200minutes
12. Life-Cycle-Impact assessment (LCIA) 2
- LCIA Practice on research target
- Application of Psychological Approach
Execution of questionnaire survey 200minutes
13. Final presentation 1
- Final presentation should be added a needed data on LCIA to midterm presentation material.
Submission of presentation material 200minutes
14. Final presentation 2
- LCA Certification Exams
- Outlook of trend in LCA research
- How LCA will help your future research? (Final Report)
Submission of final report 250minutes
Total. - - 2800minutes
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Worksheet Presentation points Final report Total.
1. 10% 10% 10% 30%
2. 30% 5% 0% 35%
3. 30% 5% 0% 35%
Total. 70% 20% 10% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Submission of worksheet: 7 points *10 = 70 points
Presentation points = 20 points
Final report = 10 points

*If the assignment is submitted late, the assignment score will be deducted by 30%.
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in the class
Textbooks and reference materials
Learning materials will be distributed at the classes.
Basic MS-excel skills.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • 10:00-17:00 on weekday by appointment
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Applicable Taking advantage of experience engaged in evaluation study on energy system as a whole from development and procurement of energy resources to consumption in demand area, we teach the concept and concrete application of Life-Cycle-Assessment(LCA) which is famous as environmental impact assessment method.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Sat Sep 09 07:30:34 JST 2023