Course title
Japanese language 1



LIAW Masaki
Course content
Japanese Language I is a beginner-level Japanese language course.
You aim to learn the structure of Japanese noun sentences, verb sentences, and adjective sentences so that you can have a simple daily conversation.

The contents and progression of each lesson can be tailored to suit the level and needs of each class.
Classroom lessons are given only in Japanese.
Purpose of class
The purpose of this course is to enable students to use basic Japanese grammar items to have simple daily conversations.
Goals and objectives
  1. By learning the structure of noun sentences, you will be able to introduce yourself, talk about places, and answer simple questions.
  2. By learning the structure of noun sentences, you will be able to talk about time and prices.
  3. By learning the structure of verb sentences, you will be able to talk about your future and past events.
  4. By learning the structure of adjective sentences, you will be able to describe
    impressions of people and things.

Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

The normal score Tests Total.
1. 10% 5% 15%
2. 10% 5% 15%
3. 20% 15% 35%
4. 20% 15% 35%
Total. 60% 40% -
Japanese(English accepted)
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Lesson1
・Grammar : noun-based sentences 1
Non-past affirmative and negative
Review: Lesson 1 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 2 Grammar and Vocabulary
2. Lesson2
・Review :Lesson 1
・Grammar :noun-based sentences 2 
 Non-past affirmative and negative
Review: Lesson 2 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 3 Grammar and Vocabulary
3. Lesson3
・Review : Lesson 2
・Grammar :noun-based sentences 3
 Non-past affirmative and negative
・Activity: Asking the owner
Review: Lesson 3 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 4 Grammar and Vocabulary
4. Lesson4
・Review :Lesson 3
・Grammar :noun-based sentences 4
 Non-past affirmative and negative
・Activity: Asking the location
Review: Lesson 4 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 5 Grammar and Vocabulary
5. Lesson5
・Review :Lesson 4
・Grammar :noun-based sentences 5
 Non-past affirmative and negative
・Activity: Shopping
Review: Lesson 5 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 1~5 Grammar and Vocabulary
6. ・Review :Lesson 1~ 5   
 ・Review of noun sentences
・Hiragana test
Review: Lesson 1 ~ 5 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 6 Grammar and Vocabulary
7. Lesson6
・Grammar:verb-sentences 1
 Non-past affirmative and negative
・Activity: Talking about your holidays
Review: Lesson 6 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 7 Grammar and Vocabulary
8. Lesson7
・Review Lesson 6
・Grammar : verb-sentences 2
 Non-past affirmative and negative
・Activity: Talking about your daily routine
Review: Lesson 7 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 8 Grammar and Vocabulary
9. Lesson8
・Review Lesson 7
・Grammar : verb-sentences 3
 past affirmative and negative  
 Time expression
・Activity: Talking about your yesterday's activities
Review: Lesson 8 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 9 Grammar and Vocabulary
10. Lesson9
・Review Lesson 8
・Grammar : Verb-sentences 4
 past affirmative and negative  
 Time expression
・Activity: Talking about your plans and activities
Review: Lesson 9 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 10 Grammar and Vocabulary
11. Lesson10
・Review Lesson 9
・Grammar Explanation :adjective-based sentences 1
 Non-past affirmative and negative
Review: Lesson 10 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation: Lesson 11 Grammar and Vocabulary
12. Lesson11
・Review Lesson 10
・Grammar Explanation: adjective-based sentences 2
 Non-past affirmative and negative
・Activity: Describing your own country
Review: Lesson 11 Grammar and Vocabulary
Preparation for the Tests
13. ・Review : Lesson 1~12 Preparation for the Tests 310minutes
14. Final examination Review 180minutes
Total. - - 2650minutes
Evaluation method and criteria
The breakdown of the overall grade is as follows:
・Class performance (class participation, presentation, assignments, quizzes) : 60%
・The final examination : 40 %
*Attendance is mandatory.

・90-100% …S (Exceptional performance)
・80-89% …A (Excellent performance)
・70-79% …B (Satisfactory performance)
・60-69% …C (Minimal performance)
・50-59% …D (Fail: unsatisfactory performance)
・ 0-49% …F (Fail: unsatisfactory performance)
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback will be given in class or via SCOMBZ as appropriate.
Textbooks and reference materials
※ Students will be informed about textbooks in the first lesson.
Japanese characters will not be taught in class; therefore, students are required to learn hiragana and katakana beforehand to take this course.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Yoko Hannya
    Email address:
  • Masaki Ryo
    Email address:
  • Chun Yeonjoo
    Email address:
  • ※ Students will be informed about office hours in the first lesson.
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
N/A 該当しない
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
    Last modified : Sun Jul 14 04:04:34 JST 2024