1 Robotics and Mechatronics/ Exercise 1
1) Learn the art of creating technology to provide society with technology for the coexistence of humans and robotic systems,
and to provide support to human society through intelligent systems.
2) Learn the art of creating new functions of robots, and the art of improving their performance.
3) To learn how to apply and develop robot technology (RT) not only for robots but also for a wide range of other applications.
- Shimada: Students can create models, control and estimation algorithms,
- 安藤:自律移動ロボットシステムの構築を通して、システムの有効性を実証的に検証する事ができる。
- Yoshimi: Through the construction of various robot systems, students can verify the method of realizing the robot task and
constructing the robot system.
- Hasegawa: Through the implementation of robot systems, students will be able to experimentally verify the usefulness of the
robot system.
- Abiko: students will be able to obtain skills and knowledge for developing, analyzing, and verifying the robots from the engineering
and scientific aspects.
Japanese(English accepted)
2) ロボットの新機能を創出するために術、性能を向上させるための術を学ぶ。
3) ロボットテクノロジー(RT)をロボットに限らず広く応用展開するための術を学ぶ。
Evaluation method and criteria
研究室定例会における報告, 日常研究活動, 学会発表などの対外公表、或いは研究グループで企画開催する中間発表の成果を総合的に判断し、総計60%以上を合格とする。
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback |
specific contents about "Other" |
Textbooks and reference materials
・Instruct as necessary
・For more information on motion control research, see Akira Shimada: Disturbance observer, Corona-Sha, and Akira Shimada:
EE text on motion control, Ohm-Sha.
Shimada: It is desirable to learn the basics of microcomputers and programming, MATLAB/Simulink, and basic knowledge of mechatronics.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
- Shimada: Tuesday lunchtime in the first semester, Friday lunchtime in the second sem.
佐々木:オフィスアワーは教員プロフィールを参照すること。居室 (芝浦校舎603-2室)にいるとき、およびメールにての対応も随時行う。
- 安藤:豊洲11O32にいるときは随時対応する。メールでも随時質問を受け付ける
- Yoshimi: Accept questions at room 11E32 in Toyosu campus or by e-mail at any time.
- Hasegawa: I will be available when I am at room 11O32 in Toyosu campus. You can also email me with questions at any time.
- Abiko: Be available at the room 11Q32 in Toyosu campus. You can also email me with questions at any time.
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
- Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
- Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience |
Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable |
Applicable |
島田:企業の制御技術者として18年間の研究開発経験を有する。 吉見:企業の研究開発センター、事業部において、研究者・技術者として22年間の研究開発経験を有する。 Yoshimi: 22 years R&D experience as a researcher/engineer at R&D center and business division of the company.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Tue Sep 03 14:05:33 JST 2024