Course title
Differential and Integral Calculus 1

YAMAZAWA Hiroshi Click to show questionnaire result at 2017

HIROSE Sampei Click to show questionnaire result at 2019

HORIBE Tadashi

NAKAGAWA Takahiro Click to show questionnaire result at 2019
Course description
Purpose of class
Goals and objectives
    Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

    Total. -
    Class schedule

    Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
    Evaluation method and criteria
    Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
    ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
    Textbooks and reference materials
    Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
      Development of social and professional independence
        Active-learning course
        Course by professor with work experience
        Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
        Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
          Last modified : Sat Jun 29 04:37:15 JST 2024