Course title

FUTAI Nobuyuki Click to show questionnaire result at 2019
Course description
Mechatronics, when regarded from the standpoint of mechanical engineering, is said to be a methodology of integrated mechanical design combined with control, consisting of mechanical and electronic elements. Typically, adding the sensor and the microprocessor in the machine often realizes systems with high controllability and intelligent behavior have become more accessible than those comprising pure mechanical elements + mechanisms. Thus, mechatronics is a convenient and essential, rather than new, mechanical design methodology.
The course covers topics of mechatronic elements, including microcontrollers and motors, and an introduction to software design particularly useful in the context of mechatronics. It deals with fundamentals in event-driven programming, electrical and electronic engineering, DC motors, mechanical and solid-state switching devices, operational amplifiers, power supply circuits, and microcontrollers, with examples and hands-on projects.
Purpose of class
This course will put an emphasis on the acquisition of the knowledge and experience in software, electrical and electronic engineering, because students who major mechanical engineering and try mechatronic design should focus on master them. This course will NOT cover fundamental topics in machine elements and mechanisms.
Goals and objectives
  1. Students should be familiar with the concepts of microcontrollers, event driven programming, and should be able to read and write state diagrams and C programs that configure and use microcontrollers.
  2. Students should be familiar with the principles and functions, be able to select and use mechanical switches, relays, motors, diodes, transistors, MOSFETs and op amps.
  3. Students should be understood the working principles and operation of the DC motors, motor drivers, and basic feedback control.
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Projects Final exam Total.
1. 10% 10% 20%
2. 30% 15% 45%
3. 20% 15% 35%
Total. 60% 40% -
Evaluation method and criteria
Projects (contributes 60%) + final exam (40%)

This course will give a pass mark (60 points) to students who have successfully found methods for engineering calculation from the textbook and literature and have provided appropriate design values with appropriate bases.
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Guidance for hands-on project using a microcontroller (Arduino UNO-based kit).
Introduction to mechatronics
Basics in electronic circuits and circuit diagrams
Textbook Chapters 1~2
Textbook Chapter 9
Problem on electric circuit diagrams 60minutes
Obtain a microcontroller kit. 60minutes
2. Introduction to microcontroller (Arduino UNO-based kit). Kit Tutorial Guide 60minutes
Problem on basic microcontroller programming 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
3. PN junctions and diodes Textbook Chapters 4~5 60minutes
Problem on drawing state diagrams 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
4. Mechanical switches Textbook Chapters 13 60minutes
Problem on circuit design using switches 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
5. Sensors (Light, temperature, ultrasound, humidity) Kit Tutorial Guide
Textbook Chapters 14
Problem on a system that processes signals from a sensor. 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
6. Basics in embedded (C) programming Textbook Chapter 6 60minutes
Problem on coding C functions as modules 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
7. Microcontroller math and bitwise manipulation Textbook Chapters 3~4 600minutes
Problem of bitwise operations 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding.
8. Event-driven programming with state machines Textbook Chapters 4~5 60minutes
Problem on drawing state diagrams 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding.
9. Active electronic devices
○Transistors (BJTs)
Textbook Chapter 10 Sections 3~7 60minutes
Problems on MOSFETs selection and their drive circuits. 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
10. Analog amplifiers
○Op amps
○Signal conditioning
Textbook Chapters 11~12 60minutes
Problem on amplificatiion or other circuits using op-amps. 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
11. Power drivers and heat sink design Textbook Chapter 17 60minutes
Problem on transitor and heat sink selection 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding. 60minutes
12. DC motor characteristics and modeling Textbook Chapters 22~23 60minutes
Problem on DC motor selection 60minutes
Purchase one circuit board kit and prepare soldering tools, if directed. 0minutes
13. Basic closed loop control Textbook Chapter 28 60minutes
Problems on PID control 60minutes
Reread the lecture materials and deepen understanding.
Make a homework report.
14. Final exam and commentary Review your notebook and handout 620minutes
Review of the term-end exam. 60minutes
Total. - - 3380minutes
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in the class
Textbooks and reference materials
Carrier, Ohline, Kenny "Introduction to Mechatronics Design", Pearson.
This class includes hands-on projects using a commercially available prototype kit containing an Arduino UNO R3-compatible board, breadboard/jumper wires, and some electronic parts.

- Freenove Ultimate Starter Kit V2.0 with Board
- Handheld multimeter, for example,
- Jumper wire kit, for example,
- Small flat-head screwdriver
- Wire cutter pliers
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Office hours: Wednesday lunch hours (Toyosu) (appointment required)
    There will be a discussion time after class (10~20 min).
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates an ability for utilizing knowledge
Active-learning course
More than one class is interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Applicable I would like to take advantage of my experience in the development of medical microfluidic systems in a startup company for teaching mechatronic design topics.
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Fri Jun 28 14:17:43 JST 2024