Course title
Course description
This course is conducted completely in English.

In this omnibus course, a different professor from the Innovative Global Program introduces some aspects of their native country and culture each week, offering insights and hints for living and working within their culture. Students will gain understanding, respect, and adjustment to the culture, communication style, and expectations in social behavior and workplace communication in 11 different cultures. Additionally, the course includes group discussions where students can exchange experiences and perspectives on life in Japan, drawing from their own cultural backgrounds.
Purpose of class
This course is designed to prepare students to work in international teams as students, laboratory researchers, and engineers in their future careers. Students will begin to learn: 1) how to assess their own cultural assumptions and adapt to different cultures, and 2) to understand the key points about each culture presented in class. Students will learn about expected behaviors, communication styles, and practical hints for adjusting to life and work in each culture presented. Ultimately, the goal is to foster an understanding of the positive aspects of each culture, cultivate respect for diversity, embrace openness to different people, and develop strategies for living in other cultures.
Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives Course Outcomes
1. Students can reflect upon, understand, and communicate their own cultural assumptions, how their home culture compares with others, and how to assess themselves in the future as they encounter new intercultural situations.
2. Students can understand and become familiar with key points of living and working in 11 different cultures as presented by professors from those cultures and can demonstrate their understanding through written reports to each presentation.
3. Students can participate in dialogue with the presenters and their classmates to develop curiosity, openness, and flexibility when dealing with different cultures and the desire to show respect and sensitivity for people's cultural differences.
4. Students can practice openness and other skills needed for working in a multicultural team to produce their final video project and communicate their results with their classmates.
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

Discussion & Participation Final Video Project Total.
1. 20% 20%
2. 30% 30%
3. 10% 10%
4. 40% 40%
Total. 60% 40% -
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Course Introduction & Introduction to Life in Japan Review material about Japanese culture and brainstorm about adjusting to life in Japan in preparation for group discussion 120分
2. Group Discussion and Presentation on Adjusting to Life in Japan Submit presentation material & Survey about the culture in Week 3 120分
3. Introduction to Life in Vietnam Write a report about the presentation of Week 3 & Survey about the culture in Week 4 120分
4. Introduction to Life in Thailand Write a report about the presentation of Week 4 & Survey about the culture in Week 5 120分
5. Introduction to Life in Malaysia Write a report about the presentation of Week 5 & Survey about the culture in Week 6 120分
6. Introduction to Life in Indonesia Write a report about the presentation of Week 6 & Survey about the culture in Week 7 120分
7. Introduction to Life in Bangladesh Write a report about the presentation of Week 7 & Survey about the culture in Week 8 120分
8. Introduction to Life in India Write a report about the presentation of Week 8 & Survey about the culture in Week 9 120分
9. Introduction to Life in Poland Write a report about the presentation of Week 9 & Survey about the culture in Week 10 120分
10. Introduction to Life in Turkey Write a report about the presentation of Week 10 & Survey about the culture in Week 11 120分
11. Introduction to Life in Italy Write a report about the presentation of Week 11 & Survey about the culture in Week 12 120分
12. Introduction to Life in the UK Write a report about the presentation of Week 12 & Prepare information and ideas for the final video project 120分
13. Final video project Create final video project 1090分
14. Presentation and discussion on final video project Peer-review on classmates' final video projects 120分
Total. - - 2650分
Goals and objectives (Other Courses)
A:Fundamental Mechanical Engineering B:Advanced Mechanical Engineering C:Environment and Materials Engineering D:Chemistry and Biotechnology E:Electrical Engineering and Robotics G:Advanced Electronic Engineering F:Information and Communications Engineering L:Computer Science and Engineering H:Urban Infrastructure and Environment
Evaluation method and criteria
20% In-class group discussion and presentation
30% Weekly written reports after each class that show thoughtful interaction with the topics and questions
10% In-class participation
40% Final video project

To pass this course, students need at least 60% of the total score and a passing grade on the completed final project.
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Feedback in outside of the class (ScombZ, mail, etc.)
Textbooks and reference materials
Materials will be provided in Scombz before each class.
Students may use online sources, such as articles, websites, videos, to survey and learn basic information about the culture of each country before each class.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • Tipporn Laohakangvalvit
    Office hours: After class or by appointment
    For appointment, please contact me by e-mail:
Regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates a basic interpersonal skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Tue Sep 17 18:15:44 JST 2024