Course title
Advanced Course on Engineering Science & Mechanics


KAMEO Yoshitaka

AOKI Koushirou

ONO Naoki
and more...

SAITO Hiroyasu



HIROSE Toshiya


YOSHIHARA Shouichirou




Course description
In the first half of this class, research fields in Engineering Science and Mechanics will be explained by the faculty members. Student will get the detail information of each laboratory research activities.

In the second half of this class, students will get an experience for system development in the micro fabrication field.

MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) is an engineering field that is applied the integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing techniques (e.g. photolithography) for fabricating the machine elements. Systems that electronics and mechanics are combined in micro scale are expected the industrial base of the next generation.

In this class, we design a micro electrostatic comb actuator which is the most reliable and efficient actuator for the field of MEMS. In the small world, the actuator driven by the electrostatic induction becomes stronger than the actuator driven by electromagnetic induction. Since an actuator whose electrode shape is like a comb is easy to design, the micro electrostatic comb actuator is widely utilized in MEMS applications.
Purpose of class
1st half: Students can understand and explain the outline of each research field of the Engineering science and mechanics.

2nd half: Students understand the driving theory and the micro fabrication process of the micro comb actuator, and then design an original comb actuator in each group. Calculate the generation force of the micro comb actuator and drawing its photo fabrication mask using CAD software. Select several good designs and fabricate them actually and then evaluate their dynamic characteristics.
Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives Course Outcomes
1. 1st half: Students can understand and explain the outline of each research field of the Engineering science and mechanics.
2. 2nd half: Students can understand and explain the concept of MEMS and the outline of manufacturing techniques.
3. 2nd half: Students can calculate the actual generated forces in their original designed micro actuators.
4. 2nd half: Students can work as a member of the working group for the final presentation.
Relationship between 'Goals and Objectives' and 'Course Outcomes'

homework reports Working report (each student) Presentation (each student) Working report (group) Presentation (group) Total.
1. 50% 50%
2. 7% 10% 17%
3. 8% 8% 16%
4. 7% 10% 17%
5. 0%
Total. 50% 15% 10% 15% 10% -
Class schedule

Class schedule HW assignments (Including preparation and review of the class.) Amount of Time Required
1. Introduction to the basis of Engineering Science & Mechanics Students should read the leaflet of the introduction to the department. 180分
2. Lecture for Manufacturing Processing / Nano-Micro Advanced Science & Technology

Manufacturing Processing:
When a metal material is plastically worked, it not only changes its shape, but also its material properties. In manufacturing processing laboratory, we are studying special manufacturing methods, which can achieve desired properties and desired shapes at the same time. This lecture will introduce two themes. Through this lecture, I would
like to remind students that materials and processing are deeply related.

Thermo-fluid engineering in microscale;
Microscale technology has been applied to many technological fields including hermo-fluid engineering. In small scale phenomena in fluid motion and heat transfer, very large gradients of temperature and concentration caused by the small characteristic length of the system can generate many technological merits in newly developed micro devices and equipments. As examples, surface tension driven flows in silicon wafer technology and application of thermal diffusion (Soret effect) in innovative systems will be introduced.
3. Lecture for Combustion Engineering / Materials Science & Engineering
Combustion research field:
In this lecture, the phenomena that occurs when an energy is applied to the mixture of fuel and oxidizer will be described first. In addition, hot topics of combustion research on carbon-neutral fuels, high-efficiency combustion, etc., will be provided using domestic and overseas journal papers relating to combustion, fuels, engines, etc. Some exercises to deepen understanding will be conducted.
4. Lecture forDirect power generation and perpetual motion machines / MEMS

Direct power generation and perpetual motion machines:
In this lecture I will explain two heat related technologies. Direct thermoelectric conversion technologies and perpetual engine energy conversion technologies. The direct thermoelectric conversion technologies can be actually manufactured such as devices using the Seebeck effect, alkali metal thermoelectric conversion, and thermionic power generation. These power generation principles and applied technologies will be explained in the class.
The second half of the lecture explains the perpetual motion machines from heat to work. We have already learned from the first law of thermodynamics in the course of thermodynamics 1 that there is no such machine. The primary goal of this lecture is to learn about renewable energy technologies, climate change and SDGs. After the lecture, the attending students to encouraged to examine their own content in this lecture.

MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) research field;
Micro machine engineering is an engineering field that is applied the LSI manufacturing techniques (e.g. photolithography) to fabrication for mechanical machine elements. This research field is called MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems). Although the integrated circuit technology can treats only electrical quantity (i.g. voltage, current, power), the MEMS technology can treats more wider physical quantities; force, displacement, temperature, sound, light and so on. In this class, we learn the basics of the MEMS techniques; device designs, fundamental theories, fabrication methods, evaluation methods and applications.
5. Lecture for Material Strength / System and Control
Material Strength:
In Material strength laboratory, we are researching about metal fatigue and strength of mechanical joining elements such as bolted joints and revets. Our aim is contributions to safety society through the research of mechanical joining elements. In my section, I introduce why the mechanical joining is important and our research.

System and Control research field:
This class aims to solve problems through design, analysis, programming, and experiments. This class require prerequisite knowledge of system engineering, mechatronics, mechanics, and control engineering. The classes consist of lectures, practical training and experiments. Students will acquire some practical skills to solve problems in system and control engineering.
6. Lecture for Mechanical Dynamics / Smart Materials
We introduce vibration and acoustic tests to design target structures with desired dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies or acoustic radiation patterns. The dynamic characteristics of the target structures are generally measured by investigating the input-output relationship of the target structures. These tests encompass everything from classical approaches to advanced ones which are included laser-induced plasma (LIP) or dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) techniques. LIP or DEA realizes ideal input sources, resulting in more powerful tests tool. (,

Soft robots have gathered wide recognition in academics and industries because they shows unique dynamics. Artificial muscles using soft materials are among the most widespread technologies for soft robotics. Topics include dielectric elastomer actuators, soft adhesion, EHD pumps and gel actuators. Soft and flexible materials have received much attention in soft robotics because they are capable of producing large deformation. The goal of this class is to let students understand the mechanism of artificial muscles and mechanics of soft materials.
7. Lecture for Future Robotics / Computational Biomechanics

Future robotics:
Robot technology has been advancing year by year. Robotics is based on several engineering fields such as mechanical design, mechanics, electronics, communication, AI. From now on, future robotics have big potential to contribute the society. We think about ourselves and natural environment from actual application fields, and create new idea for our safe, secure, and comfortable society considering not only engineering but also moral and ethics etc.

Computational Biomechanics:
Biomechanics is mechanics for human body, applying medicine and injury prevention. In this lecture, basis of computational biomechanics is introduced. Then clinical application of biomechanical simulation for cardiovascular disease and its treatment, especially for abdominal aortic aneurysm will be presented. Injury assessment using biomechanical human model is also lectured.
8. Introduction of the 2nd half of this class (Wks 8th-14th)

Application of thermal spraying technology to extend the life of structures, Instructor: Professor Akito Takasaki
It is an important issue to show how to manage, maintain, and renew the social infrastructure created during the high-growth period. In many cases, the original performance of structures cannot be maintained due to corrosion of steel materials, and the application of thermal spraying technology that adds value to materials over a long period of time instead of painting is increasing in fields such as ports, bridges, and plants. Since the marine environment is a severe corrosive environment for steel materials and the development of highly reliable anticorrosion methods is indispensable, this seminar is subject to corrosion, erosion, and marine organisms when applying thermal spray coatings to such fields. Learn about the effects of various types of damage and how to deal with them.
Total. - - 180分
Goals and objectives (Other Courses)
A:Fundamental Mechanical Engineering B:Advanced Mechanical Engineering C:Environment and Materials Engineering D:Chemistry and Biotechnology E:Electrical Engineering and Robotics G:Advanced Electronic Engineering F:Information and Communications Engineering L:Computer Science and Engineering H:Urban Infrastructure and Environment
Japanese(English accepted)
Evaluation method and criteria
1st half: Evaluate the homework report for each field and calculate the average so that 50% is the full score.
2nd half: Each student's report(15%) and presentation(10%), and group working report(15%) and presentation (10%).

Passed at 60% of total rating. The level of the 60% of total rating is that the student understands and can explain outline of the each research field (1st half).
And the student can understand the basics theories and fabrication methods of the micro comb actuator and calculate the driving forces of the their own original designed comb actuator(2nd half).
Feedback on exams, assignments, etc.
ways of feedback specific contents about "Other"
Textbooks and reference materials
1st half: Handouts will be prepared in each explanation.

2nd half:
Some materials will be distributed.
Review the contents of Physics, Electromagnetics and Mechanical manufacturing.
Office hours and How to contact professors for questions
  • After this class and the lunch time on Friday.
Non-regionally-oriented course
Development of social and professional independence
  • Course that cultivates a basic problem-solving skills
Active-learning course
Most classes are interactive
Course by professor with work experience
Work experience Work experience and relevance to the course content if applicable
Education related SDGs:the Sustainable Development Goals
Last modified : Tue Sep 17 18:15:15 JST 2024